Nationals of countries and territories not listed in the table below who are lawful residents of the United Kingdom, United States of America or Canada, or who are holders of a valid visa permitting their travel to any of these three countries, may be granted leave to enter the Islands without a Turks and Caicos Islands visa.
Anguilla Lesotho
Antigua and Barbuda Lichtenstein
Argentina Lithuania
Austria Luxembourg
Australia Malta
Bahamas Mauritius
Barbados Mexico
Belgium Monaco
Belize Montserrat
Bermuda Netherlands
Botswana Netherlands Antilles(the former)
Brazil New Zealand
British Virgin Islands Norway
Bulgaria Oman
Canada Pitcairn Islands
Cayman Islands Poland
Czech Republic Portugal
Chile Panama
China Qatar
Colombia Romania
Costa Rica Saint Christopher (Kitts) and Nevis
Croatia Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Cyprus Saint Lucia
Denmark Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Dominica Saudi Arabia
Ecuador Seychelles
Estonia Singapore
Falkland Islands Slovakia
Fiji Slovenia
Finland Solomon Islands
France South Africa
Germany South Korea
Gibraltar Spain
Greece Suriname
Grenada Sweden
Guyana Switzerland
Hong Kong Taiwan
Hungary Trinidad and Tobago
Iceland Turkey
Ireland United Arab Emirates
Israel United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Italy United States of America
Japan Vatican City
Nationals of countries and territories not listed in the table above who are lawful residents of the United Kingdom, United States of America or Canada, or who are holders of a valid visa permitting their travel to any of these three countries, may be granted leave to enter the Islands without a Turks and Caicos Islands visa.
Application Form (Fully Completed)
2 Photos (must be Certified by a Justice of the Peace)
A Current Police Record from Country of Origin (must be *translated if not in English)
Job Letter (if Self-Employed Proof of Company Business License)
Original Bank Reference Letter on Applicant’s Behalf
Applicant’s Passport (must be Valid Six Months prior to Expiration Date)
Copy of Surety’s Identification (must be Certified)
Covering Letter from Surety Applying for a Visa on behalf of the Applicant
Original School Letter (If These apply)
Parents Legal Status (in the country where he/she resides)
Evidence of Surety Legal Status in TCI
Administrative Fee ($100 Non-Refundable)
Upon Approval an Additional Payment ($150)